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New England
I moved to New England back in 2015 and have explored a little bit of the White Mountains and into Maine. Here I show how to capture nature without getting deep into the wilderness. Also some shots of little hikes in some parks just outside of Haverhill, MA where I live. A walk I would take my dog on where I brought my DSLR with me and tripod (just in case).

Portland Headlight Lighthouse
Nice sky with good color and a great place for a snack at the table to enjoy your view and get ready for the day.

Cruise in Harbor near Portland Maine.
Summer evening with beautiful light in Maine. Taking in peace of the evening in August 2015.

Kenoza Lake in Winnnekenni Park
A small tree sticking out into the middle of the picture. The reservoir has a very wavy edge to it isn't circle overall.

Lake Gardner in Powow Conservation Area
A small lake below a hill near Battis Farm and small holes to peak through to see the other side of the Lake.

Sunrise at Winnekenni Park in Haverhill, MA
While walking around the lake with my dog I noticed a sparkle through the trees. It dawned on me why I sometimes bring my tripod with me when I walk my dog. Photography is all about timing. The sun glistening behind a tree and then the reflection of the sun.

Sunset at Winnekenni Park
In Haverhill at sunset on a hike around the park. Found a perfect vantage point with the reflection of the colorful clouds.

Riverside Park view of the Merrimack River.
On a wintery morning after a good amount of snow overnight. I got closer to the Merrimack River as the sun rose. The snow was weighing down the branches to almost touch the water. I've looked more recently and the tree is not there. Dec 2019

Looking for a snack
Hmm, that looks interesting. Do I trust him?
A tiny bird comes in and decides to take a nibble. Its about the size of my thumb. Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary.
A tiny bird comes in and decides to take a nibble. Its about the size of my thumb. Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary.

Eating out of my hand
A small bird is eating out of my hand literally. I'm not sure the type of bird but it was at a Bird Sanctuary where they gave me some seeds and nature took care of the rest. I'm using my phone obviously. Anybody else there would scare the bird away for sure.

Kenoza Lake Sunstars
During a hike at Winnekenni park hike around the lake the sun was peaking through at about 6:30am

Salisbury beach
Beautiful beach near Portland Headlight Lighthouse.

Swift River Cascades
Along the Swift River along the Kancamagus highway in northern New Hampshire in the White Mountains.

Seagull looking for lunch
A seagull is crazing through the water looking for something. I just barely caught it

Seagulls on shore
The seagulls were flying back from the ocean probably looking for a place to rest where someone left some snacks behind.

Seagulls soaring
Late afternoon loop around the island.

Acadia National Park
Looking around for some good foreground I found some grass and fall colors behind and some rocks sticking out in the middle.

Lake with grass
Near the edge of the lake we have some grass growing with a rock nearby.

Yellow Tulip
Steven Coolidge Place
North Andover, Massachusetts
North Andover, Massachusetts

Grafton Notch State Park
Some of Maine's most spectacular mountains of the Mahoosuc Range. Rugged terrain including 12 miles of the Appalachian Trail

Portland Headlight Lighthouse
Sunrise at 5:03am in July '16. Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Solar Eclipse by Cemetery in Haverhill, MA.
This is a beautiful cemetery with a small creek on the far side and tall trees setting the view. The eclipse is happening behind the trees as the moon is setting and the sun is rising behind me at 5:32am on 11-08-2022

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