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Here are some of my Wildlife photographs I have taken when living in Colorado 10-23 years ago and then a few out here in Massachusetts.

Bighorn sheep
Just outside Rocky Mountain National Park in a small town which is very wildlife friendlky. I think they have rules about which plants people can grow so they don't hurt the wildlife trying to keep them away from their garden.

This isn't technically wildlife as they were carrying our load on a backpacking trip through the wilderness for 3 nights.

Roxborough Park, foothills outside Denver, CO

Roxborough Park, foothills outside Denver, CO

Roxborough Park, foothills outside Denver, CO

European Herring Gull
Halibut Point State Park
Rockport, MA
Rockport, MA

Yellow-legged Gull and a Western Gull
Halibut Point State Park
Rockport, MA
Rockport, MA

European Herring Gull
Halibut State Park
Rockport, MA
Rockport, MA

Bighorn sheep near Estes Park, exploring the hillside
Just outside Rocky Mountain National Park in a small town which is very wildlife conscious. I think they have rules about which plants people can grow so they don't hurt the wildlife by trying to keep them away from their garden.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
Along the Colorado River

Black Bear
This is in the Tenmile Range near Breckenridge with the bear wandering across a dirt road near some cabins.

Moose in Front Range Mountains
Within the Rawah Wilderness in the nothern park of the state.

Black-capped Chickadee
I was given bird seed at a wildlife area with tons of small birds around. I got my phone first and get it eating out of my hand literally. Sometimes I have gotten dogs to eat out of my hand too but that isn't much 'ooooh, ahhh' type of comments

Black-capped Chickadee
Nobody else is here.

Black-capped Chickadee
Let me see here, hmm

Moose in Front Range Mountains, Colorado
This is on Guenella Pass in the Front Range, at 11-12k feet below a couple 14ers where several trailheads sit nearby.

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